Month: March 2024

Fun Run

First thing in the morning at school, I had to change into my sports uniform provided. That 5 minutes of changing got me thinking of how scared I was.There were supposedly 3 schools. I was scared I was going to humiliate/embarrass myself in front of all my peers. Was my hair done right? Was my uniform clean?

When we arrived at the location, there was no one waiting for us. It made me question whether we were going to do it at all. Had the trip been cancelled? It was on by the beautiful mission bay. The tide was low but the sea glimmered in the sun’s presence because It had been so early.We had gotten into our groups of what speed we wanted to go at. I had joined the walking group thinking that we were gonna be at a slow pace. To my surprise we were sprinting until our legs were shattered. It was 2.8 kilometers so not that far. At the 1.0km I was huffing and puffing like there was no air left.My hair was in my face, my eyes were irritated from the wind and it felt as if my heart skipped a beat.The heat was really getting to me but communicating with my friend call kept me sane. We talked the whole way to the 2.0km point.

The end was coming close and we had to run on the soft sand. My friend Losaline was not feeling right so I walked with her to the finish line. The BBQ after was I guess worth it. But I loved playing volleyball with the other schools.